Hubby had some work in Ventura so I to tag along and take pictures and drink margaritas by the ocean all day!!
Family Photography/Ripon
This family! Met them in church a few years ago and became friends with the wife and LOVED her to pieces! A wonderful, beautiful and amazing woman! She walked the walk every damn day! She passed last year and was so YOUNG! Broke my heart. I just photographed her family for the first time since […]
Poochies Paradise
My girls moved their shop to a new location so the grand opening was yesterday and it was AMAZING! So much fun for the kids and the puppies. I’m very proud of them! They worked so hard to get the shop up and going and worked the old shop at the same time!
Texas boy
My grandson moved in with us from Texas and of course he is learning that his nanny likes to take pictures an saying no is just a no win situation!!
We all have a mask we put on and take take off. What does yours look like? Do you share it with there world? Keep it hidden in the depths of your pain? Don’t hide what is inside!
Life has me feeling all the feels lately and the only way I can get out of my head is to go for a walk and be out in nature. It grounds me and always me to feel the beauty that is left in this world at such a turbulent time in our history. My […]