I have watched this beauty grow up and she is GORGEOUS and fun! n
Grace makes me melt whenever I start editing her pictures. Her soul just comes through in such a mesmerizing way. Such beauty and innocence that it confounds my mind and captivates my very soul to its inner core. colo
Color me beautiful
I have totally lost myself. Life just got the best of me and I gave up on finding any joy or hope in all the things that I use to LOVE. Photography being one of those things. I’m trying to get my hear back and feel again. Shoot for me. Not edit so much but. […]
Grace my MUSE
I’m totally in awe of her beauty every day. She reminds me so much of her momma at her age and memories just flood in and have me in tears. She’s captivating and funny and KIND. Love my LOLLY pop.
Kayden James
My grandson is growing up so fast! He’s playing football now for the Broncos and he is in the fourth grade and I just can’t believe how time really does fly! model
Engagement Bliss
Natalie is getting married and she is looking as beautiful as ever along with her sweetheart of a man!