She loved her sun umbrella! I ADORE childhood and everything about it. Such a fun time!
Cuteness overload!
Such a sweet family! Love the cake smash pictures! She LOVED her cake!
A beautiful family surrounded by beautiful almond blossoms!
Spring is so refreshing and so beautiful! Its my all time favorite season and brings such joy to my soul! Look at the beauty of these amazing almond blossoms! Lovely family!
Love is just amazing!
I will be shooting this lovely couples wedding in September! They are so fun and so in love and so funny and just AWESOME! Love her shirt and really want it!
My son stayed home from school today because he has a cold and is feeling yucky. I keep telling myself I will start capturing more pictures of my kids that are not posed….His eyes are amazing. Love this little boy!
Growing up up so fast!
My son is almost ten. I remember when he was younger and I use to wish he was older and now, well, I just can not believe how much he has grown and how he is turning into such a little man. I look at him and my heart just beams with joy and love…I […]