Every little boy dreams of being a superhero. My son who is 10 still wants to be one! This is my grandson. He is the cutest superman I know. Love him so much!
Ballerina~ JewelsPhotography-Dance Photographer/Modesto/Ripon/Lodi Photographer
When you dance to your own rhythm, Life taps its toes to your beat. ~Terri Guillemets
Valentine sweethearts-JewelsPhotography-Modesto/Ripon/Knights Ferry Photographer
This is my son and his adorable best friend…He adores her and so do I! Such a fun time we all had…They had me laughing and just feeling so joyful! Loved it.
JewelsPhotography-Modesto/Ripon Modeling Photographer
Gorgeous woman! Her look is so captivating! Sweet as can be and I totally adore these images!
Featured on Evoking you~Jewelsphotography/Fashion Feature
So exciting and I’m so honored and thrilled to be featured on Evoking you! http://www.evokingyou.com/2013/01/08/jewels-photographyfashion-photography-inspiration/
Madison-Jewelsphotography-Modeling Photographer-Modesto-Ripon
“I think happiness is what makes you pretty. Period. Happy people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and they reflect that happiness.” Drew Barrymore