You have the face of an angel with your beautiful smile. No one can resist those eyes- what undeniable style.
~ You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart. ~
Valentino’s Baptism~
One tiny hand to guide and hold, One tiny life to shape and mold; each child, a gift from God above, a symbol of His strength and love.
Smiles, and Love~
One hundred years from now It won’t matter What kind of car I drove What kind of house I lived in How much money I had in the bank Nor what my clothes looked like BUT The world may be a little better Because, I was important In the life of a child.
The Love of a Family~
God made us a family A special caring part Of all that’s near and very dear And closet to the heart Together on life’s journey each day a memory Thank you God for making us A loving family
Man of God, The Bible, and a Train~
“Be such a person, and live such a life, that if every one were such as you, and every life a life such as yours, this earth would be God’s paradise.” -Phillip Brooks